雷霆加速器ios永久免费 (2018-11-05) |
dzone.com |
JSON Drivers: Parsing Hierarchical Data (2018-11-02) |
dzone.com |
雷霆加速器ios永久免费 (2018-11-02) |
medium.com |
OAS 3.0 (2018-11-02) |
medium.com |
Folksonomies: how to do things with words on social media (2018-11-01) |
thegovlab.org |
Mule 4: Fixed Width Data to JSON Transformation Using CopyBook (2018-10-30) |
dzone.com |
Developing Your Enterprise Machine Learning Vocabulary (2018-10-29) |
streamdata.io |
Datafiniti Simplifies Business Data Search with Taxonomy Field Release (2018-10-29) |
medium.com |
Open API 3.0 Support In WSO2 API Manager (2018-10-29) |
medium.com |
Create an OpenAPI definition for a function (2018-10-26) |
菜鸟加速器官方下载 |
Fintech Sector Backs Ambitious 'Global API Standard' (2018-10-22) |
paymentscompliance.com |
Create an OpenAPI From a GET API Request (雷霆加速器ios永久免费) |
dzone.com |
HTTP Logging and Go API Template Updates (2018-10-13) |
medium.com |
免费科学上外网 app (2018-10-06) |
dzone.com |
iOS TestFlight版安装教程 - 菜鸟极速官网-银行级专线|高速 ...:2021-5-8 · 菜鸟极速能帮助您无限制访问您喜爱的网站和应用,随时随地拥抱精彩。银行级专线覆盖全球,高速稳定永久免费。 2 完成步骤①后,点击下方按钮,跳转到「TestFlight」客户端更新或安装即可 注:TestFlight提示xx天后过期或已被移除,并不影响使用,版本到期前根据菜鸟客户端提示更新或重装即可 ... (2018-09-14) |
medium.com |
Spark SQL: An Introductory Guide (2018-09-08) |
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FHIR Connector Implementation Using Mirth: HL7 Standard Data Exchange (2018-09-07) |
dzone.com |
Data Wrangling with Apache Kafka and KSQL (2018-09-07) |
www.confluent.io |
Firestore Data Model (2018-09-06) |
medium.com |
使命召唤台服手游怎么开陀螺伒,菜鸟也能变枪神_biubiu加速器:使命召唤台服手游怎么开陀螺伒?使命召唤是一款力求达到真实现伕战争场面的射击类手游,激烈的战斗和快节奏的操作经常让新手玩家应接不暇,其实大家都忽略了陀螺伒的使用,小编今天就给大家讲讲如何在使命召唤台服手游打开陀螺伒。在游戏主界面上点击设置选项,在其中的基本讯息里就能 ... (2018-08-29) |
thenewstack.io |
XML (2018-08-28) |
dzone.com |
Our API Specification Workflow (2018-08-27) |
medium.com |
Javalin 2.0 supports WebJars web libraries, JSON modularization (免费科学上外网 app) |
www.idgconnect.com |
Learning About The Research Information Exchange Markup Language (RIXML) (2018-08-24) |
streamdata.io |
HashiCorp Terraform 0.12 Preview: Reliable JSON Syntax (2018-08-22) |
菜鸟加速器 |
An Aggregate Map and Location API Postman Collection (2018-08-21) |
免费科学上外网 app |
Data Standardization – A Call to Action in the United States (2018-08-20) |
www.datacoalition.org |
外媒关注菜鸟未来园区 黑科技成智能物流骨干网“加速器”_互联 ...:2021-10-30 · 随着菜鸟全力打造智能物流骨干网,科技已经成为这张物流网络的强劲“加速器”。 通过IoT物联网、 人工智能 、边缘计算等前沿技术, 菜鸟 与合作伙伴正在物流园区、仓储分拣、干线运输、中转分拨、末端配送等环节,全面实现数字化和智能化,为即将到来的天猫双11天量包裹加速。 (2018-08-20) |
dzone.com |
Templatizing AWS Serverless Functions Using OpenAPI (2018-08-13) |
streamdata.io |
2021 年 6月 14 日 随笔档案 - itprobie-菜鸟程序员 - 博客园:2021-6-14 · posted @ 2021-06-14 02:03 itprobie-菜鸟程序员 阅读(0) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑 Docker 镜像加速 摘要:Docker 镜像加速 国内从 DockerHub 拉取镜像有时会遇到困难,此时可众配置镜像加速器。 (2018-08-10) |
hitinfrastructure.com |
Swagger examined (part 2): The DBSync’s Swagger API (2018-08-04) |
medium.com |
Decoupling Systems with Apache Kafka, Schema Registry and Avro (2018-08-03) |
www.confluent.io |
Apache Atlas — Using the v2 Rest API (2018-08-01) |
medium.com |
Docker 镜像加速 | 菜鸟教程 - RUNOOB.COM:Windows 10 对于使用 Windows 10 的系统,在系统右下角托盘 Docker 图标内右键菜单选择 Settings,打开配置窗口后左侧导航菜单选择 Daemon。在 Registrymirrors 一栏中填写加速器地址 https://registry.docker-cn.com ,之后点击 Apply 保存后 Docker 就会重启并应用配置的镜像地址了。 (2018-08-01) |
dzone.com |
菜鸟加速器 (2018-08-01) |
medium.com |
Improving the developer experience with OpenAPI Specification (2018-07-21) |
medium.com |
Why JSON Isn't a Good Configuration Language (免费科学上外网 app) |
dzone.com |
Pipeline as YAML: Alpha release (2018-07-16) |
jenkins.io |
GraphQL Remote Schema Stitching in a Multi (2018-07-16) |
菜鸟加速器 |
How we use Go Swagger at Phrasee (2018-07-12) |
medium.com |
Improving the developer experience with OpenAPI Specification (2018-07-12) |
medium.com |
GoLang Customized JSON Serialization in Web API (2018-07-10) |
medium.com |
Getting Started With the OpenAPI Specification (2018-07-10) |
dzone.com |
Importance Of API Enumerators In ECommerce (2018-07-03) |
streamdata.io |
Opportunity For OpenAPI (2018-06-29) |
菜鸟加速器官方下载 |
cal/cal.md at master · metadevpro/cal (2018-06-29) |
github.com |
Companies with Recipe APIs (2018-06-01) |
免费科学上外网 app |
GraphQL Schema Design: Building Evolvable Schemas (2018-06-01) |
medium.com |
FHIR information exchange capability now coming of age (2018-05-14) |
www.healthdatamanagement.com |
Stoplight ❤️ the OpenAPI Initiative (2018-05-14) |
菜鸟加速器 |
白嫖一个月腾讯网游加速器:2021-6-15 · 白嫖一个月腾讯网游加速器 作者: 林北 时间:2021-6-15 9:36 分类: 活动线报 需要下载腾讯电脑管家,下载后每天按图所示签到,分次可领取一个月的 腾讯网游加速器 ! (2018-05-08) |
medcitynews.com |
Driving The API Lifecycle Forward With SmartBear And The OpenAPI (2018-05-04) |
blog.smartbear.com |
Configuring a Jenkins Pipeline using a YAML file (2018-04-24) |
jenkins.io |
Solving OpenAPI and JSON Schema Divergence (2018-04-13) |
philsturgeon.uk |
在线解析抖音短视频音乐BGM源码 | 菜鸟IT资源网:2021-6-14 · 菜鸟IT 资源网 1110 文章 29 评论 更多 2021年6月14日08:19:52 评论 504 在线解析抖音 视频 音乐BGM 源码 演示截图: 源码介绍: 纯源码非第三方接口,直接可众解析出抖音视频的背景音乐(mp3),可众自己修改参考学习研究,已加入播放器,解析后自动 ... (2018-04-12) |
菜鸟加速器官方 |
Why Do People Dislike JSON? – APIs You Won’t Hate (免费科学上外网 app) |
blog.apisyouwonthate.com |
How to Sync Your OpenAPI Schema in Stoplight With GitHub and Runscope (2018-04-11) |
dzone.com |
How API Authentication And Pricing Impact Stream Rank (2018-04-09) |
streamdata.io |
Embracing Standardization with JSON API (ft. Ember + Rails) (2018-03-27) |
medium.com |
GitHub (2018-03-22) |
雷霆加速器ios永久免费 |
RAML User Stories: Patrick Schiess (2018-03-19) |
medium.com |
Converting FHIR JSON to CSV with Flexter (2018-03-16) |
medium.com |
JSON vs XML vs TOML vs CSON vs YAML (2018-03-12) |
www.zionandzion.com |
The Good Collection – Postman Blog (2018-03-09) |
blog.getpostman.com |
Common Mistakes Developers Make In Their OpenAPI 3 Files (菜鸟加速器官方) |
blog.apimatic.io |
Common Mistakes Developers Make In Their OpenAPI 3 Files (2018-03-08) |
medium.com |
Twitter (2018-03-08) |
twitter.com |
JSONAPI resources. Caution (2018-03-06) |
medium.com |
Accelerating Your Open API 3.0 and Swagger API Design & Development with Advanced Mocking (2018-03-05) |
blog.smartbear.com |
Artifacts of Shared Understanding (2018-03-02) |
medium.com |
Sync your specs 😎 (2018-03-01) |
blog.getpostman.com |
Design (2018-02-28) |
philsturgeon.uk |
If you want to make Web APIs easier and standardize them you should have a look at OData… (2018-02-25) |
菜鸟加速器官方下载 |
Adopting OpenAPI to describe DNSimple API v2 (2018-02-23) |
blog.dnsimple.com |
How Data Standards Will Modernize Our Government’s Regulatory Regime (2018-02-22) |
www.datacoalition.org |
小白也可众搭建的V2Ray服务器安装教程 - 菜鸟之志 - loonlog:2021-6-13 · v2ray是一个更加安全可靠的科学上网翻墙工具,据说目前没有被封的例子;本文就教大家在国外服务器搭建V2Ray服务,看过本V2Ray搭建教程,小白也可众玩转的翻墙工具;文末有V2ray客户端下 … (2018-02-21) |
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BIAN issues new API guidelines (菜鸟加速器) |
www.finextra.com |
Meetup: How APIs Will Make or Break Your Success with PSD2 and Open Banking (免费科学上外网 app) |
blog.smartbear.com |
Schema (2018-02-19) |
dzone.com |
Enhance your integration with Specification Extensions (2018-02-19) |
help.nintex.com |
The Best of Both Worlds: Relational + JSON (2018-02-16) |
菜鸟加速器官方下载 |
How to produce RAML with Spring REST Docs using restdocs (2018-02-15) |
medium.com |
Developing cross (2018-02-13) |
gdstechnology.blog.gov.uk |
2021 年 6月 14 日 随笔档案 - itprobie-菜鸟程序员 - 博客园:2021-6-14 · posted @ 2021-06-14 02:03 itprobie-菜鸟程序员 阅读(0) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑 Docker 镜像加速 摘要:Docker 镜像加速 国内从 DockerHub 拉取镜像有时会遇到困难,此时可众配置镜像加速器。 (2018-02-13) |
medium.com |
JSON of 5,950+ USA Cities and Their States (2018-02-06) |
medium.com |
Pew calls on ONC to include unstructured EHR data in APIs (2018-01-12) |
菜鸟加速器 |
API First Approach and API Management With Swagger (2018-01-09) |
雷霆加速器ios永久免费 |
Array enumeration in RAML (2018-01-02) |
medium.com |
Your first OpenAPI document (Part II: Data model) (2017-12-31) |
medium.com |
Jackson Annotations for JSON (Part 3): Deserialization (2017-12-25) |
菜鸟加速器 |
Kotlin DSL: From Theory to Practice (2017-12-23) |
dzone.com |
Consistently bad parsing of YAML (2017-12-23) |
雷霆加速器ios永久免费 |
Dynamically Generate Tags for Database Entries (2017-12-22) |
medium.com |
How to Generate Your Avro Schema Automatically (菜鸟加速器官方下载) |
免费科学上外网 app |
Which Camel DSL to Choose and Why? (2017-12-21) |
developers.redhat.com |
What is JSON and why is it important? (2017-12-20) |
medium.com |
在线解析抖音短视频音乐BGM源码 | 菜鸟IT资源网:2021-6-14 · 菜鸟IT 资源网 1110 文章 29 评论 更多 2021年6月14日08:19:52 评论 504 在线解析抖音 视频 音乐BGM 源码 演示截图: 源码介绍: 纯源码非第三方接口,直接可众解析出抖音视频的背景音乐(mp3),可众自己修改参考学习研究,已加入播放器,解析后自动 ... (2017-12-19) |
dzone.com |
在线解析抖音短视频音乐BGM源码 | 菜鸟IT资源网:2021-6-14 · 菜鸟IT 资源网 1110 文章 29 评论 更多 2021年6月14日08:19:52 评论 504 在线解析抖音 视频 音乐BGM 源码 演示截图: 源码介绍: 纯源码非第三方接口,直接可众解析出抖音视频的背景音乐(mp3),可众自己修改参考学习研究,已加入播放器,解析后自动 ... (2017-12-18) |
medium.com |
Why use RAML data types? (2017-12-18) |
medium.com |
XBRL International Certifies DataTracks' DMS (2017-12-14) |
news.sys-con.com |
XBRL International Certifies DataTracks' DMS (2017-12-14) |
news.sys-con.com |
Microsoft/OpenAPI.NET: The OpenAPI.NET SDK contains a useful object model for OpenAPI documents in .NET along with common serializers to extract raw OpenAPI JSON and YAML documents from the model. (2017-12-13) |
github.com |
Jackson Annotations for JSON (Part 1): Serialization and Deserialization (2017-12-12) |
dzone.com |
2021 年 6月 14 日 随笔档案 - itprobie-菜鸟程序员 - 博客园:2021-6-14 · posted @ 2021-06-14 02:03 itprobie-菜鸟程序员 阅读(0) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑 Docker 镜像加速 摘要:Docker 镜像加速 国内从 DockerHub 拉取镜像有时会遇到困难,此时可众配置镜像加速器。 (2017-12-09) |
medium.com |
MuleSoft With OpenAPI Specification (2017-12-08) |
dzone.com |
Launching an Instance from a Launch Template (2017-12-07) |
docs.aws.amazon.com |
Xero’s OpenAPI story (2017-12-06) |
菜鸟加速器官方下载 |
JSON Schema Markdown Tool (2017-12-06) |
medium.com |
Correct way of posting JSON using fetch (2017-12-05) |
medium.com |
WHISHWORKS Announces 31 API Recipes for MuleSoft's Anypoint Platform (2017-12-05) |
news.sys-con.com |
Writing and testing API specifications with API Blueprint, Dreed and Apiary (2017-12-04) |
medium.com |
Check Swagger API Specs without hosting Swagger UI (2017-12-04) |
medium.com |
UK: PSD2 Standard On Secure Communication: A Balancing Act (2017-12-03) |
www.mondaq.com |
Speed up connectors' turnaround with Swagger Specification (2017-12-02) |
news.sys-con.com |
Better OpenAPI spec developer experience with Gists (2017-12-02) |
medium.com |
Using a mocking service to create Postman Collections – Postman Blog (2017-12-01) |
blog.getpostman.com |
Using A Schema (菜鸟加速器官方下载) |
nordicapis.com |
JSON Processing 1.1: The JSON Pointer Challenge (2017-11-27) |
dzone.com |
MVP OpenAPI spec for CKAN API — lessons learned (2017-11-26) |
medium.com |
What´s New in Open API Specification (OAS 3.0) (2017-11-23) |
菜鸟加速器官方下载 |
菜鸟加速器官方下载 (免费科学上外网 app) |
nordicapis.com |
Integrating Hakiri with Codeship (2017-11-17) |
blog.codeship.com |
JSON (De)Serialization in Swift (2017-11-17) |
medium.com |
New JSON Hot Function Format (2017-11-17) |
medium.com |
Why We Joined the Open API Movement (2017-11-17) |
medium.com |
Data Modeling Guidelines for NoSQL JSON Document Databases (2017-11-15) |
dzone.com |
Microsoft’s Cosmos DB Gets Cassandra (2017-11-15) |
thenewstack.io |
Unlocking the Power of Parsing JSON in Ruby (2017-11-13) |
菜鸟加速器官方 |
Create Your First OpenAPI Definition With Swagger Editor (2017-11-12) |
dzone.com |
GitHub (2017-11-09) |
github.com |
Laravel API Resources + JSON API Spec (2017-11-08) |
medium.com |
菜鸟加速器 (2017-11-06) |
medium.com |
JSON Schema’s Role in Building and Deploying Your API (2017-11-02) |
blog.codeship.com |
Standard practice (2017-11-01) |
medium.com |
Adding Swagger to your Spring Rest API written in Kotlin (菜鸟加速器官方下载) |
medium.com |
What Is the Difference Between Swagger and OpenAPI? (2017-10-31) |
blog.smartbear.com |
菜鸟绝地求生平底锅吃鸡简单方法攻略-斧牛加速器:2021-9-16 · 绝地求生中平底锅看起来是太不起眼,不能用来和敌人刚枪,但是菜鸟伔如果用好了,用平底锅吃鸡也是一件爽事。不过自从绝地求生更新众后,很多玩家都反馈延迟较高,游戏时候会卡顿,小编向大家推荐斧牛加速器,针对绝地求生专线加速,游戏体验更流畅! (2017-10-30) |
medium.com |
Importing API definition into gateway using swagger. (雷霆加速器ios永久免费) |
medium.com |
V2ray和SS客户端使用教程 - 菜鸟YY:2021-5-25 · 一、Windows客户端 1、下载 V2rayN V2rayN 下载 由于V2rayN是绿色安装,所众下载完成后解压至D盘或者其他盘符。 2、创建V2rayN快捷方式 打开文件夹,找到v2rayN.exe文件,右键发送到桌面快捷方式 3、运行V2rayN 双击 ... (2017-10-25) |
docs.aws.amazon.com |
免费科学上外网 app (菜鸟加速器官方) |
www.openapis.org |
YAML Language Server and the Extension for VS Code (2017-10-18) |
developers.redhat.com |
How API Languages Evolve (2017-10-17) |
www.apiacademy.co |
ECMA 404(JSON) and ECMAScript will be ISO standards (2017-10-17) |
免费科学上外网 app |
Spec (2017-10-15) |
medium.com |
AWS APIGateway: Swagger Import vs Cloudformation Resources (2017-10-13) |
medium.com |
OpenTracing: An Open Standard for Distributed Tracing (2017-10-10) |
thenewstack.io |
GitHub (2017-10-10) |
雷霆加速器ios永久免费 |
Create an Elixir Phoenix API — Part 2— Generate an API Swagger Specification (菜鸟加速器) |
medium.com |
OpenAPI Extensibility Takes a Step Forward (2017-10-09) |
medium.com |
OpenAPI 3.0: How to Design and Document APIs with the Latest OpenAPI Specification [On (2017-10-06) |
blog.smartbear.com |
How to Utilize OpsGenie’s OpenAPI Specification (免费科学上外网 app) |
medium.com |
GraphQL (2017-10-04) |
medium.com |
The Next Step to Build Better APIs — Consistent Data Structure (2017-10-03) |
medium.com |
Pluggable Extensions to the OpenAPI Specification Language (2017-10-02) |
www.reprezen.com |
RIP: The Semantic Web (菜鸟加速器) |
blog.diffbot.com |
ISO Settles in on Establishing Standards for the Cloud Computing and Distributed Platforms (2017-09-21) |
thenewstack.io |
Kafkaesque (2017-09-20) |
www.merriam-webster.com |
Bizcoder (2017-09-20) |
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OpenAPI and Transparent Process (菜鸟加速器官方) |
medium.com |
Commit to API Contracts (2017-09-15) |
medium.com |
HAR 1.2 Spec (菜鸟加速器) |
www.softwareishard.com |
mozilla (2017-09-07) |
github.com |
菜鸟加速器 (菜鸟加速器官方) |
medium.com |
One Month Since OpenAPI v3.0 (2017-08-26) |
philsturgeon.uk |
Sharing Threat Intelligence Using STIX (2017-08-25) |
菜鸟加速器官方 |
Bizcoder (2017-08-21) |
www.bizcoder.com |
OData FAQs: Why Should REST API Developers Use OData? (2017-08-18) |
medium.com |
How JSON Toppled XML and Other Lessons from the Vintage Computer Fest (2017-08-18) |
thenewstack.io |
JSON Home: Why, What, and How (with Clojure) (2017-08-14) |
medium.com |
Building Business Systems with Domain (2017-08-11) |
www.nginx.com |
免费科学上外网 app (免费科学上外网 app) |
blog.runscope.com |
6 Most Significant Changes in OAS 3.0 (雷霆加速器ios永久免费) |
blog.restcase.com |
使命召唤台服手游怎么开陀螺伒,菜鸟也能变枪神_biubiu加速器:使命召唤台服手游怎么开陀螺伒?使命召唤是一款力求达到真实现伕战争场面的射击类手游,激烈的战斗和快节奏的操作经常让新手玩家应接不暇,其实大家都忽略了陀螺伒的使用,小编今天就给大家讲讲如何在使命召唤台服手游打开陀螺伒。在游戏主界面上点击设置选项,在其中的基本讯息里就能 ... (2017-08-09) |
blog.smartbear.com |
The postman always rings twice (2017-08-09) |
restlet.com |
API Design and the Future of API Descriptions Formats (2017-08-07) |
www.infoq.com |
Creating a REST API Server with Swagger (免费科学上外网 app) |
medium.com |
What is a HAR File? (2017-08-03) |
blog.stackpath.com |
Track Laravel Model Changes with Laravel Auditing (2017-08-01) |
laravel-news.com |
Scenarios v3.4 Release (2017-07-31) |
medium.com |
Domain Governance (菜鸟加速器官方) |
www.niem.gov |
The OAI Announces the OpenAPI Specification 3.0.0 – Open API Initiative (2017-07-26) |
www.openapis.org |
The OpenAPI Specification Turns 3 (2017-07-26) |
nordicapis.com |
菜鸟加速器 (2017-07-24) |
medium.com |
Chasing the Perfect API Specification Workflow (2017-07-20) |
philsturgeon.uk |
Scale an Open API based web API with Cloud Endpoints (2017-07-19) |
glaforge.appspot.com |
oasis (2017-07-17) |
github.com |
No Standard For Standards (2017-07-17) |
admin.dyn.com |
Open Data Blueprint (2017-07-12) |
thegovlab.org |
Does Your Industry Need a Well (2017-06-29) |
associationsnow.com |
OpenAPI v3 JSON Schema by timburks · Pull Request #1236 · OAI/OpenAPI (2017-06-28) |
github.com |
Declarative Infrastructure with the Jsonnet Templating Language (2017-06-26) |
databricks.com |
Http (免费科学上外网 app) |
www.hl7.org |
3.3 Hasura Auth API + Postman collection (2017-06-25) |
medium.com |
Press Releases : DOCOMO Announces docomo AI Agent Open Partner Initiative (菜鸟加速器官方) |
www.nttdocomo.co.jp |
API Standardization Industry Group (2017-06-23) |
www.nacha.org |
Getting Started with the ThreatConnect Query Language (TQL) (2017-06-21) |
菜鸟加速器官方 |
Getting Started with the ThreatConnect Query Language (TQL) (免费科学上外网 app) |
www.threatconnect.com |
FHIR® Developer Days 2017 (2017-06-20) |
www.fhirdevdays.com |
Announcing Azure Functions OpenAPI (Swagger) support preview (2017-06-12) |
blogs.msdn.microsoft.com |
Scenarios v3.3 Update (2017-06-12) |
medium.com |
dwSQL Intro · GitBook (2017-06-12) |
docs.data.world |
Support for Export to WSDL Added (2017-06-12) |
docs.apimatic.io |
Introducing Our SendGrid Template Migration Tool (2017-06-12) |
www.sparkpost.com |
KDL: A Notation to Describe Kubernetes Application Deployments (2017-06-06) |
blog.openshift.com |
Documenting APIs with Swagger (2017-06-02) |
docslikecode.com |
Software Defined Talk: An AWS Private Cloud Strategy, and YAML (2017-06-02) |
thenewstack.io |
Descriptions for request attributes in Postman (2017-06-02) |
blog.getpostman.com |
4 ways to improve SEO with schema and structured data (2017-06-02) |
thenextweb.com |
Introducing the AsyncAPI specification (2017-05-27) |
dev.to |
dropbox/stone: Write your APIs in stone. (菜鸟加速器) |
github.com |
A new way to debug your data models – The Event Log (菜鸟加速器) |
菜鸟加速器 |
Comparing OpenAPI/Swagger 2.0 and 3.0.0 (菜鸟加速器官方下载) |
dev.to |
New Metafields: Required and Value (2017-05-22) |
medium.com |
box/box (2017-05-21) |
github.com |
Embracing OpenAPI (Swagger) at Box (2017-05-18) |
medium.com |
A new way to debug your data models (2017-05-17) |
medium.com |
JSON Feed: Home (2017-05-17) |
jsonfeed.org |
Lagom (菜鸟加速器) |
www.lagomframework.com |
Proposal: Expand OpenAPI to include RPC APIs · Issue #801 · OAI/OpenAPI (2017-05-16) |
github.com |
Concepts to Integration – Standardization (2017-05-12) |
blog.scribesoft.com |
Tweet: AWS Schema Conversion Tool now extracts from SQL Server data warehouses! http://t.co/2RMKhM9ICU http://t.co/bwLYzrSbd6 (2017-05-11) |
twitter.com |
Automatic discovery of Web API Specifications: an example-driven approach (2017-05-10) |
免费科学上外网 app |
APIMATIC Blog - APIMatic Turns 3; Announcing Support of OAS 3.0 (2017-05-09) |
apimatic.io |
The HTTP API Space Is Consolidating Around OAS (2017-05-06) |
www.infoq.com |
REST API Industry Debate: OData vs GraphQL vs ORDS (2017-05-03) |
www.progress.com |
Payload Transformation: XML to Object (2017-04-29) |
dzone.com |
Release OAS 3.0.0-rc1 Released! · OAI/OpenAPI-Specification · GitHub (2017-04-28) |
github.com |
GeoJSON Text Sequences (免费科学上外网 app) |
webconcepts.info |
Open API and RAML: Better Together (2017-04-28) |
www.programmableweb.com |
Tweet: 5 Ways the OpenAPI Specification Spurs API Agility (2017-04-27) |
菜鸟加速器官方 |
A Short History of OAI and API Specification (雷霆加速器ios永久免费) |
restlet.com |
狂野飙车7加速器跑法菜鸟视频_游戏狗狂野飙车7专区 ...:2021-1-13 · 狂野飙车7加速器跑法菜鸟视频,第一圈有点醉驾,扭来扭去,第二圈可众看到基本上都是在极速状态刚好结束的时候踩上了加速器。来看狂野飙车7加速器跑法菜鸟视频 (2017-04-26) |
restlet.com |
Release v3.0.0 · whitlockjc/json-refs · GitHub (2017-04-25) |
github.com |
2021 年 6月 14 日 随笔档案 - itprobie-菜鸟程序员 - 博客园:2021-6-14 · posted @ 2021-06-14 02:03 itprobie-菜鸟程序员 阅读(0) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑 Docker 镜像加速 摘要:Docker 镜像加速 国内从 DockerHub 拉取镜像有时会遇到困难,此时可众配置镜像加速器。 (2017-04-25) |
developer.salesforce.com |
【老菜鸟API管理器】老菜鸟API管理器 7.8.8-ZOL软件下载:2021-8-2 · 老菜鸟API管理器是一款小巧易用的API文件管理器,能够帮助用户在众多文件库里找到自己需要的,同时进行多个文档管理工作,支持快捷路径、系统设置、进制转换等功能。 (免费科学上外网 app) |
twitter.com |
MuleSoft Joins the OpenAPI Initiative: The End of the API Spec Wars (2017-04-21) |
swagger.io |
在线解析抖音短视频音乐BGM源码 | 菜鸟IT资源网:2021-6-14 · 菜鸟IT 资源网 1110 文章 29 评论 更多 2021年6月14日08:19:52 评论 504 在线解析抖音 视频 音乐BGM 源码 演示截图: 源码介绍: 纯源码非第三方接口,直接可众解析出抖音视频的背景音乐(mp3),可众自己修改参考学习研究,已加入播放器,解析后自动 ... (2017-04-20) |
finance.yahoo.com |
Microservices, APIs, and Swagger: How They Fit Together (2017-04-19) |
dzone.com |
Microservices, APIs, and Swagger: How They Fit Together – Quantix (2017-04-19) |
quantixcap.wordpress.com |
Payload Transformation: JSON to XML (2017-04-18) |
dzone.com |
Cinchoo - Using JSON format configuration values (雷霆加速器ios永久免费) |
www.codeproject.com |
Payload Transformation: JSON to Object (2017-04-15) |
dzone.com |
Why Your API Needs Machine-Readable Descriptions (2017-04-14) |
apimatic.io |
What’s New in OpenAPI 3.0 (2017-04-14) |
nordicapis.com |
What sets RAML 1.0 apart from OAS 2.0? (2017-04-12) |
restlet.com |
怎样关闭浏览器云加速-百度经验:2021-10-6 · 怎样关闭浏览器云加速,最近很多朋友咨询关于怎样关闭浏览器云加速的问题,今天的这篇经验就来聊一聊这个话题,希望可众 ... (菜鸟加速器) |
菜鸟加速器官方 |
Swagger, the REST Kryptonite (2017-04-08) |
免费科学上外网 app |
Concepts to Integration – Metadata (2017-04-07) |
blog.scribesoft.com |
CloudFormation Designer now supports YAML (雷霆加速器ios永久免费) |
aws.amazon.com |
GitHub - refractproject/minim-alps: Minim ALPS Namespace (2017-04-06) |
github.com |
Best JSON Formatter and JSON Validator: Advance JSON Formatter (2017-04-05) |
jsonformatter.org |
OpenAPI / Swagger Resource List for API Developers (2017-04-04) |
blog.runscope.com |
Schema.org Just Released New Restaurant Menu Markup (2017-04-03) |
moz.com |
Convert API Definitions Into Swagger, API Blueprint, and RAML within Postman (2017-03-22) |
blog.getpostman.com |
Access OData From Microsoft Power BI (2017-03-22) |
dzone.com |
This could be the year for Issa’s bill requiring open, standardized financial data format (2017-03-20) |
www.fedscoop.com |
Promote your local businesses reviews with schema.org markup (2017-03-18) |
webmasters.googleblog.com |
Protocol to Access White-Space (PAWS) Databases (RFC 7545) (雷霆加速器ios永久免费) |
datatracker.ietf.org |
FHIR is No Longer Just a Concept (2017-03-16) |
datica.com |
How Allscripts is collaborating and encouraging use of #FHIR (2017-03-16) |
雷霆加速器ios永久免费 |
Five things they didnt tell you were changing in OpenAPI 3.0.0-RC0 (2017-03-15) |
菜鸟加速器 |
Microsoft Flow now supports the Postman Collection format! (免费科学上外网 app) |
flow.microsoft.com |
Backup and Sync your Postman Collections on GitHub (2017-03-14) |
blog.getpostman.com |
@readmeio: Weve got Swagger! (2017-03-13) |
readme.io |
Consumer Reports Proposes Open Source Security Standard To Keep The Internet Of Things From Sucking (2017-03-10) |
www.techdirt.com |
"Web Publications" is the rebranding of @w3c #PWP, and if youre interested in publishing on the web, have a look! (2017-03-09) |
www.w3.org |
Introducing Custom Rules (2017-03-09) |
blog.mparticle.com |
Public Review of JSON-P Specification 1.1 is Now Open (2017-03-08) |
www.infoq.com |
Autocomplete and tooltips for variables are now live! (2017-03-07) |
blog.getpostman.com |
Testing N1QL (Part 4): Using Query Templates to Create Queries (2017-03-05) |
dzone.com |
YASMIN (Yet Another jSon Message notatIoN) (2017-03-04) |
cyberphone.github.io |
To turn up the awesomeness on your service you can create a Swagger service definition for it! (2017-03-03) |
blog.dreamfactory.com |
Building With Open Standards Will Result in IT Longevity (2017-03-02) |
nordicapis.com |
【MC】超强的安全工具,让您从PVP菜鸟秒变大神!【Ares ...:2021-8-5 · 【MC】超强的安全工具,让您从PVP菜鸟秒变大神!【Ares】 内容 相关 Hello大家好,今天给大家带来一个超级厉害的MC辅助工具 Ares 小编用这个软件打了好几把起床战争,果然,只要你控制好走位,cps 根本不用担心,基本上是可众虐那些普通玩家,而且非常安全 (2017-03-02) |
菜鸟加速器 |
Lufthansa Open API · GitHub (2017-03-01) |
github.com |
Open API Initiative Announces Release of the OpenAPI Spec v3 Implementer’s Draft (2017-03-01) |
www.openapis.org |
W3C Begins Standards Work on Web of Things to Reduce IoT Fragmentation (2017-02-25) |
www.w3.org |
My Understanding of ArcNet Protocol (2017-02-23) |
www.codeproject.com |
Writing OpenAPI (Swagger) Specification Tutorial - Part 9 - Extending the OpenAPI specification (雷霆加速器ios永久免费) |
apihandyman.io |
AWS Config Rules Adds AWS CloudFormation Templates and a Test Mode for Rule Authoring (2017-02-16) |
菜鸟加速器官方下载 |
A Guide to JSON-LD for Beginners (2017-02-16) |
菜鸟加速器官方下载 |
CommonWell First to Use Argonaut Project FHIR Specifications (2017-02-16) |
ehrintelligence.com |
Tweet: Docs are up - http://t.co/CO7p6JsTWy. Your API could be covered by spec driven contract tests today - no excuses! http://t.co/C0U9knvkUf (2017-02-15) |
twitter.com |
Rest Api Modeling Language (2017-02-13) |
菜鸟加速器官方下载 |
GoodRelations: The Professional Web Vocabulary for E-Commerce (2017-02-10) |
www.heppnetz.de |
PSD2 Marks the Beginning of an Era of Secure Payment (菜鸟加速器) |
www.accenture.com |
Capgemini Announces Open Banking Solution for PSD2 (2017-02-10) |
菜鸟加速器官方下载 |
OData support in IIB? (2017-02-07) |
www.mqseries.net |
UNESCO Thesaurus published with Semantic Web standards Open-Source software (2017-02-06) |
aims.fao.org |
WebAPI - pending.schema.org (2017-02-02) |
pending.webschemas.org |
Feds back FHIR, big-time (2017-02-02) |
healthcare3924.rssing.com |
ARM处理器、X86处理器和AI处理器的区别 - 菜鸟-传奇 - 博客园:2021-11-2 · ARM处理器、X86处理器和AI处理器的区别 目前主要的处理器架构有: X86: Intel, AMD, 海光, 兆芯 ARM: 华为,飞腾,华芯通,Cavium,Ampere,富士通,亚马逊 POW (2017-01-31) |
dzone.com |
Emerging FHIR standard doesn’t solve semantic interoperability (2017-01-31) |
www.healthdatamanagement.com |
JSON to XML Transformation Using DataWeave (2017-01-20) |
菜鸟加速器官方下载 |
Tweet: New Blog! Securely Sharing Your Swagger API Docs with DreamFactory! http://t.co/e1pHurMtNK http://t.co/RJKqJsePd7 (2017-01-13) |
twitter.com |
菜鸟网络宣布 全国首个物联网机器人分拨中心在南京启用 ...:2021-6-12 · 登 录 注 册 钱 包 手机版 (2017-01-13) |
docs.microsoft.com |
Securely Sharing Your Swagger API Docs with DreamFactory (2017-01-11) |
菜鸟加速器官方 |
2021中国绿色物流发展报告:为绿色环保装上“加速器”_央广网:2021-12-6 · 2021中国绿色物流发展报告:为绿色环保装上“加速器”,在此基础上,菜鸟与全球30多家合作伙伴加速推进“绿色行动计划”,从仓储、包装、到运输配送各环节展开“绿色”建设,并在末端大力推广快递纸箱回收。申通通过使用可降解的快递袋、避免过度包装、定期回收再利用等措施,减少包装 ... (2017-01-11) |
www.capgemini.com |
Mermade/openapi_specifications: Open API Specifications (2017-01-05) |
github.com |
A Complete Guide to JSON-LD (2017-01-05) |
www.searchenginejournal.com |
Amazon Web Services (2017-01-05) |
amazon.web.services.stack.network |
Cisco Supports Redfish Standard: API Enhances UCS Programmability (2017-01-04) |
blogs.cisco.com |
2021 年 6月 14 日 随笔档案 - itprobie-菜鸟程序员 - 博客园:2021-6-14 · posted @ 2021-06-14 02:03 itprobie-菜鸟程序员 阅读(0) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑 Docker 镜像加速 摘要:Docker 镜像加速 国内从 DockerHub 拉取镜像有时会遇到困难,此时可众配置镜像加速器。 (2016-12-30) |
github.com |
Amazon States Language (2016-12-27) |
菜鸟加速器 |
Future of APIs (2016-12-19) |
medium.com |
菜鸟打印控件下载_菜鸟打印控件1.0.4.6 官方版-PC下载网:2021-6-10 · PC下载网应用其他频道,为您提供菜鸟打印控件官方最新版、菜鸟打印控件绿色免费版等应用其他软件下载。更多菜鸟打印控件1.0.4.6 官方版历史版本,请到PC下载网! (2016-12-15) |
github.com |
U.S. jury sides with Arista over Cisco in copyright battle (2016-12-14) |
www.reuters.com |
Why Emburse Opened Its vCard Solution to Developers (2016-11-13) |
菜鸟加速器官方下载 |
Swagger toolbox (2016-11-12) |
swagger-toolbox.firebaseapp.com |
Staggered by Swagger (2016-11-12) |
medium.com |
OpenAPI GUI (2016-11-12) |
mermade.github.io |
GitHub - zapier/zapier-platform-schema: The core Zapier Platform schema. (2016-10-31) |
github.com |
Introducing Seamless Source Control Integration With Bitbucket and SwaggerHub (2016-10-31) |
雷霆加速器ios永久免费 |
The Need for Open Standards in Predictive Analytics (2016-10-16) |
dzone.com |
Virtual Panel: Document and Description Formats for Web APIs (2016-10-14) |
www.infoq.com |
How To Create a Trusted Web API Spec (2016-10-12) |
medium.com |
OPML to JSON converter (2016-10-11) |
dev.opml.org |
swagger-gist.io ? Saving and Versioning Swagger definitions (2016-10-10) |
jordwalsh.com |
Web API Return List of Custom Type (JSON) (2016-10-03) |
www.codeproject.com |
Metaphors of Big Data (2016-10-01) |
dismagazine.com |
An Open API Initiative Update (2016-09-30) |
www.infoq.com |
API Buyer Beware: The Issue of AWS Compatibility (菜鸟加速器) |
dzone.com |
One smart city standard to rule them all? (菜鸟加速器官方) |
americancityandcounty.com |
Usage of Swagger 2.0 in Spring Boot Applications to document APIs (2016-09-23) |
dzone.com |
在线解析抖音短视频音乐BGM源码 | 菜鸟IT资源网:2021-6-14 · 菜鸟IT 资源网 1110 文章 29 评论 更多 2021年6月14日08:19:52 评论 504 在线解析抖音 视频 音乐BGM 源码 演示截图: 源码介绍: 纯源码非第三方接口,直接可众解析出抖音视频的背景音乐(mp3),可众自己修改参考学习研究,已加入播放器,解析后自动 ... (2016-09-21) |
www.programmableweb.com |
Generating Swagger (OpenAPI specification) from your LoopBack Application (2016-09-20) |
strongloop.com |
Atlassian joins Open API Initiative, open sources RADAR doc generator (2016-09-19) |
developer.atlassian.com |
AWS CloudFormation Update ? YAML, Cross-Stack References, Simplified Substitution (2016-09-19) |
aws.amazon.com |
2021 年 6月 14 日 随笔档案 - itprobie-菜鸟程序员 - 博客园:2021-6-14 · posted @ 2021-06-14 02:03 itprobie-菜鸟程序员 阅读(0) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑 Docker 镜像加速 摘要:Docker 镜像加速 国内从 DockerHub 拉取镜像有时会遇到困难,此时可众配置镜像加速器。 (雷霆加速器ios永久免费) |
www.apteligent.com |
Stage Intelligence Adds Support for the GBFS Open Data Standard into its BICO Distribution Solution (2016-09-10) |
insidebigdata.com |
Introducing API Templates With Reusable System and Process APIs (2016-09-09) |
blogs.mulesoft.com |
Designing APIs With RAML (2016-09-09) |
dzone.com |
Boxs developer platform revamped with new content types, UI tools (2016-09-08) |
www.pcworld.com |
ASP.NET Core APIs in the Fast Lane With Swagger and Autorest (雷霆加速器ios永久免费) |
dzone.com |
JSON Version of Web Concepts (2016-09-03) |
webconcepts.info |
Specref (2016-09-03) |
www.specref.org |
Poll results: top reason for using Swagger/RAML (菜鸟加速器) |
restlet.com |
Using Templates to Transform Web Service Results into Markup (2016-08-31) |
www.infoq.com |
CentOS 7 开启BBR加速 - 菜鸟YY:2021-5-21 · 当前位置:菜鸟YY - 专注于IT入门技巧教程分享 > 教程 > 梯子搭建教程 > 正文 CentOS 7 开启BBR加速 2021-05-21 13:42:27 分类: 梯子搭建教程 / 经验分享 阅读(12739) 评论(6) (2016-08-30) |
菜鸟加速器官方 |
ASP.NET Web API Documentation using Swagger (菜鸟加速器官方下载) |
www.codeproject.com |
Test Your Swagger API (2016-08-25) |
免费科学上外网 app |
【罗戈网】村镇物流战斗打响:顺丰农村设网点、菜鸟领衔溪 ...:2021-6-15 · 罗戈网(www.logclub.com)-物流商业新媒体,据罗戈网·物流沙龙了解,近日传来顺丰、德邦布局农村物流的消息,同时菜鸟、京东物流也纷纷加码布局下沉市场。这些物流企业近期布局下沉的动作都有哪些?能否在农村物流领域挖掘到真金白银? (2016-08-16) |
nordicapis.com |
Planet Platform Postman Collection by kjbrazil (2016-08-15) |
kjbrazil.github.io |
Implement Swagger Documentation for REST APIs (2016-08-14) |
dzone.com |
Uri Sarid on RAML 1.0 Release and Latest MuleSoft API News (2016-08-03) |
雷霆加速器ios永久免费 |
Writing OpenAPI (Swagger) Specification Tutorial ? Part 8 ? Splitting specification file (2016-08-02) |
菜鸟加速器官方 |
Tyk joins the Open API Initiative! (免费科学上外网 app) |
tyk.io |
Tweet: Introducing gh-ost: our online schema migration tool for MySQL by @ShlomiNoach http://t.co/BbpelcRkrq http://t.co/yRK3v8vhc1 (2016-08-01) |
twitter.com |
Media Types for Hypertext Sensor Markup (菜鸟加速器官方下载) |
tools.ietf.org |
What is Swagger and Why it Matters (免费科学上外网 app) |
blog.readme.io |
How to test API endpoint using Atom and RAML? (2016-07-04) |
stackoverflow.com |
A Brief History of RAML (2016-07-03) |
dzone.com |
Using Google Tag Manager to Dynamically Generate Schema/JSON-LD Tags (2016-07-01) |
moz.com |
HTTP-RPC 3.0 Released [Announcement] (2016-07-01) |
dzone.com |
What are your thoughts on FHIR? (2016-07-01) |
www.reddit.com |
Rapid7 discloses remote code execution flaw in Swagger (2016-06-23) |
www.computerweekly.com |
Swagger Vulnerability Leads to Arbitrary Code Injection (2016-06-23) |
threatpost.com |
2021 年 6月 14 日 随笔档案 - itprobie-菜鸟程序员 - 博客园:2021-6-14 · posted @ 2021-06-14 02:03 itprobie-菜鸟程序员 阅读(0) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑 Docker 镜像加速 摘要:Docker 镜像加速 国内从 DockerHub 拉取镜像有时会遇到困难,此时可众配置镜像加速器。 (2016-06-21) |
菜鸟加速器 |
Ask DZ: Swagger API on Multiple OSGI Bundles Using Apache Karaf (2016-06-21) |
菜鸟加速器官方下载 |
SwaggerHub Enables Instant Serverless Infrastructure with New AWS Integration (2016-06-15) |
worldnews.se |
菜鸟:2021-12-31 · 菜鸟裹裹是剁手后使用最多的APP了,尤其双11之后,每隔五分钟就要看一下物流,里面有所有平台的包裹,想寄快递呼个快递员两小时内能上门,也是没sei了。 (雷霆加速器ios永久免费) |
apihandyman.io |
Designing and documenting your APIs using RAML (2016-06-11) |
dzone.com |
JSON-LD: Building Meaningful Data APIs (2016-06-09) |
dzone.com |
Import RAML Directories in Postman Directly (2016-05-19) |
dzone.com |
RAMLing Again With API Workbench: From Setup to Design (菜鸟加速器官方) |
dzone.com |
RAML 1.0 is out! (2016-05-17) |
restlet.com |
Poll results: Do you prefer YAML or JSON for your Swagger? (2016-05-16) |
restlet.com |
API Fortress Launches Automatic Test Generation with RAML (2016-05-14) |
www.programmableweb.com |
Overcoming Swagger Annotation Overload by Switching to JSON (2016-05-14) |
dzone.com |
OpenAPI Specifications For 642 of the Schema.org Types (2016-05-11) |
dzone.com |
使命召唤台服手游怎么开陀螺伒,菜鸟也能变枪神_biubiu加速器:使命召唤台服手游怎么开陀螺伒?使命召唤是一款力求达到真实现伕战争场面的射击类手游,激烈的战斗和快节奏的操作经常让新手玩家应接不暇,其实大家都忽略了陀螺伒的使用,小编今天就给大家讲讲如何在使命召唤台服手游打开陀螺伒。在游戏主界面上点击设置选项,在其中的基本讯息里就能 ... (2016-05-10) |
restlet.com |
How to use RAML to Auto-Generate C# Code for Dynamic Web API Provisioning (2016-05-07) |
www.programmableweb.com |
使命召唤台服手游怎么开陀螺伒,菜鸟也能变枪神_biubiu加速器:使命召唤台服手游怎么开陀螺伒?使命召唤是一款力求达到真实现伕战争场面的射击类手游,激烈的战斗和快节奏的操作经常让新手玩家应接不暇,其实大家都忽略了陀螺伒的使用,小编今天就给大家讲讲如何在使命召唤台服手游打开陀螺伒。在游戏主界面上点击设置选项,在其中的基本讯息里就能 ... (菜鸟加速器) |
apihandyman.io |
API Views With OpenAPI Spec And Liquid (菜鸟加速器官方) |
dzone.com |
Schema.org OpenAPI Specs (2016-05-02) |
schema.org.apis.apievangelist.com |
JSON Schema: Why and How (2016-05-01) |
dret.typepad.com |
APIs.json Annotation (2016-04-26) |
apis.json.annotation.apievangelist.com |
Playing With One Possible OpenAPI Spec for the Human Services Data Specification (HSDS) (2016-04-23) |
dzone.com |
Dramatically Increase Visibility in Search for WordPress Using JSON-LD Payloads and This PHP Snippet (2016-04-22) |
dzone.com |
Writing OpenAPI (Swagger) Specification Tutorial ? Part 4 ? Advanced Data Modeling (2016-04-17) |
apihandyman.io |
The OpenAPI Specification at Cloud Expo Europe (2016-04-14) |
www.3scale.net |
Amazon API Gateway Now Supports Swagger Definition Import (2016-04-09) |
www.infoq.com |
What?s wrong with my Swagger definition? (免费科学上外网 app) |
restlet.com |
RFC 7807 - Problem Details for HTTP APIs (2016-04-04) |
tools.ietf.org |
The More I Gather OpenAPI Specs the More I Realize How We Obsess Over the Unecessary (雷霆加速器ios永久免费) |
菜鸟加速器官方 |
Article: C#/Web API Code Generation Patterns for the RAML User (免费科学上外网 app) |
www.infoq.com |
Finicity Launches TxPUSH to Create Financial Data Aggregation Standard (2016-03-30) |
bankinnovation.net |
Examples of Validations for LoopBack Models (2016-03-29) |
strongloop.com |
You asked, weve answered, Postman Collections! (2016-03-29) |
developer.walgreens.com |
Import and test your Swagger API definitions in DHC (2016-03-29) |
restlet.com |
JSON-LD: Building Meaningful Data APIs (2016-03-24) |
菜鸟加速器 |
Calling an OData Service From Python ? UK Parliament Members Data Platform (2016-03-23) |
blog.ouseful.info |
What is APIs.json? And What is Next for the API Discovery Format? (2016-03-22) |
dzone.com |
Writing OpenAPI (Swagger) Specification Tutorial ? Part 3 ? Simplifying specification file (雷霆加速器ios永久免费) |
apihandyman.io |
Publishing JSON Schema Documentation With Docson (2016-03-17) |
dzone.com |
HTTP-RPC 2.5 Released (2016-03-15) |
dzone.com |
An IMS Proposal ? Eliminate all use of JSON-LD (2016-03-14) |
www.dr-chuck.com |
Introducing Auth0 for Postman Collections (2016-03-09) |
auth0.com |
2021 年 6月 14 日 随笔档案 - itprobie-菜鸟程序员 - 博客园:2021-6-14 · posted @ 2021-06-14 02:03 itprobie-菜鸟程序员 阅读(0) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑 Docker 镜像加速 摘要:Docker 镜像加速 国内从 DockerHub 拉取镜像有时会遇到困难,此时可众配置镜像加速器。 (2016-03-02) |
apihandyman.io |
Writing OpenAPI (Swagger) Specification Tutorial ? Part 1 ? Introduction (2016-03-02) |
apihandyman.io |
(2016-03-01) |
www.codeproject.com |
DreamFactory 2.1 released, includes OpenAPI spec upgrade (2016-02-25) |
blog.dreamfactory.com |
Should You Craft Your Own API Definition Format? (2016-02-25) |
dzone.com |
Rapier: Cut Through the Tedium of API Specification (2016-02-23) |
apigee.com |
RAMLing Around With Mule ( Part 2 ) (2016-02-21) |
dzone.com |
Concern Around Mapping and Discussing Shadow Mobile APIs Shows Signs of an Imbalance (2016-02-18) |
dzone.com |
The Ion Data Interchange Format (2016-02-17) |
ionwg.github.io |
在线解析抖音短视频音乐BGM源码 | 菜鸟IT资源网:2021-6-14 · 菜鸟IT 资源网 1110 文章 29 评论 更多 2021年6月14日08:19:52 评论 504 在线解析抖音 视频 音乐BGM 源码 演示截图: 源码介绍: 纯源码非第三方接口,直接可众解析出抖音视频的背景音乐(mp3),可众自己修改参考学习研究,已加入播放器,解析后自动 ... (2016-02-16) |
sendgrid.com |
Presentation: Creating Java REST Servers from Swagger API Definitions (2016-02-16) |
www.infoq.com |
RAMLing Around With Mule (2016-02-16) |
dzone.com |
Getting Started With OData (雷霆加速器ios永久免费) |
dzone.com |
REST API Documentation Part 2 ? Swagger, RAML, and Open API (2016-02-02) |
dzone.com |
API Blueprint Evolving in Two Areas Where OpenAPI Spec (aka Swagger) Falls Short (2016-01-29) |
菜鸟加速器 |
Using API Gateway mapping templates to handle changes in your back-end APIs (2016-01-26) |
免费科学上外网 app |
菜鸟正在启动旗下国内和国际物流网的再加速,加快全国 24 ...:2021-6-9 · 菜鸟总裁助理熊伟在全球速卖通商家大会上透露,菜鸟正在启动旗下国内和国际物流网的再加速,同时向全球骨干网和乡村毛细血管加大投入,众加快实现 “全国 24 小时,全球 72 小时必达”。 熊伟介绍,中国的外贸出口在疫情之后迎来爆发式增长。 (2016-01-22) |
菜鸟加速器 |
Screencast: Import and translate RAML API definitions (2016-01-19) |
restlet.com |
Apiary.io Now Features Swagger Support (2016-01-19) |
免费科学上外网 app |
We?ve got Swagger (2016-01-18) |
blog.apiary.io |
在欧洲玩英雄联盟国服,用什么加速器? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-7-26 · 不然你要考虑延迟、加速器 费用的问题,还是玩本地的服划算。编辑于 2021-07-26 赞同 3 1 条评论 ... 收起 匿名用户 1 人 赞同了该回答 别玩了,任何加速器都没用,在中国玩欧服同理。我这个菜鸟 ... (免费科学上外网 app) |
xml.fido.gov |
Linting OpenStreetMap Data (2016-01-13) |
www.mapbox.com |
菜鸟网络宣布 全国首个物联网机器人分拨中心在南京启用 ...:2021-6-12 · 登 录 注 册 钱 包 手机版 (2016-01-12) |
菜鸟加速器官方 |
菜鸟加速器 (2016-01-12) |
pypi.python.org |
Interview with Tony Tam on Open API Initiative and Latest Swagger News (2016-01-07) |
www.infoq.com |
Schema.org: Evolution of Structured Data on the Web (2015-12-26) |
queue.acm.org |
A name to walk with a swagger (雷霆加速器ios永久免费) |
restlet.com |
【老菜鸟API管理器】老菜鸟API管理器 7.8.8-ZOL软件下载:2021-8-2 · 老菜鸟API管理器是一款小巧易用的API文件管理器,能够帮助用户在众多文件库里找到自己需要的,同时进行多个文档管理工作,支持快捷路径、系统设置、进制转换等功能。 (菜鸟加速器) |
idratherbewriting.com |
Adding A New Alpha Endpoint To Explode API OADF Into Separate Files For Each Unique Endpoint (菜鸟加速器) |
alpha.apievangelist.com |
Usage of Swagger in Node.js Applications to document APIs (菜鸟加速器官方) |
heidloff.net |
For A Brief Moment We All Had Swagger In The API Space (2015-11-23) |
kinlane.com |
Linux Foundation throws its weight behind open APIs (2015-11-06) |
www.infoworld.com |
New Collaborative Project to Extend Swagger Specification for Building Connected Applications and Services (菜鸟加速器官方) |
api.report |
Linux Foundation Sets the Stage for Easier Sharing of APIs - The New Stack (2015-11-05) |
thenewstack.io |
Launching the Linux Foundation Open API Initiative (2015-11-05) |
www.3scale.net |
New Collaborative Project to Extend Swagger Specification for Building Connected Applications and Services (2015-11-05) |
www.linuxfoundation.org |
Restlet Joins the Open API Initiative at Linux Foundation (2015-11-05) |
restlet.com |
API Economy Gets Boost With Open Spec Initiative (2015-11-05) |
www.enterprisetech.com |
Importing and translating RAML API definition (菜鸟加速器) |
restlet.com |
Akana Unveils Tech That can Translate Between API Description Languages (2015-10-23) |
www.programmableweb.com |
API Description Language Translation, API DL Mediation, API Management (2015-10-21) |
www.akana.com |
Integrate your Slack with Swagger! (菜鸟加速器) |
免费科学上外网 app |
Swagger 2.0 Extension for Code Generation Settings (2015-08-26) |
drktech.com |
Amazon#039;s Swagger Importer Points to New Wave of API Automation Tooling (2015-08-25) |
www.programmableweb.com |
菜鸟网络政策研究院院长秦磊:智慧协同,绿色物流的数字化 ...:2021-9-20 · 会上,菜鸟网络政策研究院院长秦磊发表了众“智慧协同,绿色物流的数字化加速器”为主题的演讲,主要观点如下: 1、 电商要与快递协同,物流要领先商流半步。 2、 绿色问题需要通过机制、模式和产品服务三个角度来解决。 (菜鸟加速器官方) |
www.infoq.com |
MSON Tutorial on Github (2015-08-14) |
github.com |
疫情期间如何让快递送得更快?菜鸟网络AAAI论文用深度 ...:2021-2-24 · 在今年 AAAI 的接收论文中,来自菜鸟人工智能部大快递算法团队的一篇论文设计实现了深度学习驱动的 MIP 求解加速方法,在 8 类经典运筹问题上将 ... (2015-08-11) |
snip.ly |
ALPS Mapping Guidelines for UBER (2015-07-17) |
rawgit.com |
How To Design Great APIs With API-First Design and RAML (2015-07-10) |
www.programmableweb.com |
Monitor RAML APIs with API Science (2015-07-08) |
blogs.mulesoft.com |
Introducing Postman Collection Format Schema (2015-07-02) |
菜鸟加速器 |
The APIs.json Discovery Format: Potential Engine in the API Economy (2015-06-19) |
www.infoq.com |
(雷霆加速器ios永久免费) |
blog.lateral.io |
What are API Description Languages? (2015-06-17) |
菜鸟加速器 |
Schemas ? Successfully Navigating API Complexity (2015-06-17) |
quickbase.intuit.com |
How to describe APIs? (2015-06-15) |
菜鸟加速器官方 |
APIs with Swagger : An Interview with Reverb?s Tony Tam (2015-06-10) |
雷霆加速器ios永久免费 |
New JSON API Specification Aims to Speed API Development (2015-06-10) |
www.programmableweb.com |
API Blueprint on GitHub?Apiary Blog (2015-06-06) |
blog.apiary.io |
Cerebris :: JSON API 1.0 (2015-06-05) |
www.cerebris.com |
免费科学上外网 app (菜鸟加速器) |
blog.apiary.io |
The Power of RAML (2015-06-04) |
www.infoq.com |
Parse Adds New Schema API and API Console (2015-06-04) |
www.infoq.com |
API Blueprint on GitHub (2015-06-03) |
blog.apiary.io |
We got the moves like swagger! (2015-06-02) |
www.apiman.io |
Article: Article Series: Description, Discovery, and Profiles : The Next Level in Web APIs (2015-05-29) |
www.infoq.com |
API Blueprint on GitHub (2015-05-28) |
blog.apiary.io |
Founder of API Blueprint Discusses Progress (菜鸟加速器官方) |
www.infoq.com |
Building APIs with Node.js and Swagger (2015-05-22) |
www.slideshare.net |
3scale API Management Platform Now Supports Updated Swagger 2.0 (2015-05-20) |
www.programmableweb.com |
RobWin/swagger2markup (2015-05-01) |
github.com |
RAML Founder Talks About the API Industry: Governance, Technology, and... (2015-04-22) |
www.infoq.com |
Swagger For The Masses (2015-04-07) |
api.report |
Swagger Founder Makes Commitment to Keep Project Open (2015-04-04) |
www.infoq.com |
New API Blueprint Tutorial (2015-04-01) |
blog.apiary.io |
Sharing Is Caring - Socialize Your Public API Blueprints (2015-03-26) |
blog.apiary.io |
SmartBear Picks Up Swagger API Project (2015-03-26) |
www.programmableweb.com |
Let?s Get Swagger Right (2015-03-26) |
restlet.com |
Swagger + SmartBear! (2015-03-25) |
blog.helloreverb.com |
Web Metadata Publishing Using XML (2015-03-23) |
www.digitalgov.gov |
Apigee Product Highlight Video: SmartDocs (2015-03-03) |
apigee.com |
Swagger APIs at a glance ? swagger.ed (2015-02-26) |
chefarchitect.github.io |
MuleSoft Releases RAML .NET Parser, Visual Studio Extension (2015-02-20) |
www.programmableweb.com |
Using Templates for Documentation Driven API Design (2015-02-19) |
nordicapis.com |
New RAML Tools for .NET Developers using Anypoint Platform (雷霆加速器ios永久免费) |
blogs.mulesoft.com |
在欧洲玩英雄联盟国服,用什么加速器? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-7-26 · 不然你要考虑延迟、加速器 费用的问题,还是玩本地的服划算。编辑于 2021-07-26 赞同 3 1 条评论 ... 收起 匿名用户 1 人 赞同了该回答 别玩了,任何加速器都没用,在中国玩欧服同理。我这个菜鸟 ... (菜鸟加速器) |
www.infoq.com |
Utilising API Blueprint in API Clients (2015-02-17) |
blog.apiary.io |
apiaryio/api-blueprint - Gitter (2015-02-17) |
gitter.im |